In-Person Services
Hurry! Clinic slots are filling up fast! We are now booking into August/September 2022.
Join us for a fabulous 2 or 3 days of fun with your horses.
Our clinics are custom tailored to our audience and have included subjects such as: Thoracic Sling Improvements (from the ground to the saddle); Rider Biomechanics; French Classical Dressage; Fundamentals of Trick Training; Jumping & Poles; Working Equitation/Trail Obstacles and more.
What people have said about Leviosa Equine Clinics:
"Wow. What a difference a weekend can make! This was the best clinic I've ever intended. Clear instruction, happy horses, big improvements for everyone. Just incredible, thank you!"
"To be honest I would have paid more for this clinic"
"This was the most incredible experience, the clinician's understanding of Learning Theory and Behaviour was absolutely mind boggling. I've never experienced this quality of clinic in such an accessible format"
"Holy smokes!! Katrina complete converted my dull horse into a willing partner in less than 2 hours. I call it witchcraft, Katrina assures me it's "just science.""
Behaviour Modification
Are you interested in learning more about the "why" behind what your horse is doing? Approaching horse training from a behaviourism lens allows for horses to LEARN new behaviour patterns in a way that reduces stress and increases fun!
By using an approach that understands the science of learning and the effects of trauma and fear, we can often create new associations with previously problematic situations.
Common behavioural issues addressed include:
Trailer Loading
Fear of objects (such as water trays while jumping, certain kinds of fill, whips or other objects)
Fear of spaces (e.g.: Stalls, cross ties),
Difficulties with leading/handling,
Undesirable behaviours such as pawing, nipping, cow-kicking.
Please note: Behaviour challenges can often be quite complex and it is possible that Katrina refers you out for veterinary assessment or to a certified equine behavioural consultant (someone with a Masters/PhD in Equine Behaviour Modification) before continuing on a modification program.
Please also note: Use of force is not in line with our philosophy. We do our best to create shaping plans and behaviour modification plans that allow for the least aversive experience for the horse and their human!
NOTE: Local lesson spots are currently full with a waitlist. Please hit the "let's chat!" button with your email and phone number to be placed on our waitlist.
Logical, progressive and horse-friendly methods combined with kind and thoughtful coaching.
Riding Lessons should help increase understanding and independence -- they should not create dependence on your instructor.
Riding Lessons are focused on correct rider mechanics and French Classical Principles based in Learning Theory. There is no kicking/pulling or "making" your horse perform.
Lessons are always working towards a goal of a calm, happy and understanding horse and rider combination.
Lessons are available to all levels from walk/trot through to Piaffe/Passage.
Lessons start at $70/hr
